mandag den 11. april 2011

Sad troll Happy Unicorn

 The Dreaming Troll: I'm in class don't really know what to draw, so i start just making out something, and a troll pops into my mind during the process, so i think sure lets make it a troll, the ear kinda got to me, drawing an ear from behind or the side id not just the normal small circle, and in the end he dosen't look as mean or badass as a normal troll, he looks sad, so that why i drew this troll reaching for the stars, Because even an ugly troll can dream, tho i think its a pretty troll, not that i swing that way... anyway the guy sitting across the table looks over and says "Why are your drawings so sad?" and i said "You want a Unicorn ona  rainbow?"

And here it is, i barely got to keep the scetch, after i showed it to him he stole it, luckily i got it back so i could color it and to be modest, this is awesome! i mean its like an overly advanced 4 year old girls drawing... niace... I'm a complex 4 year old girl.

 So I've chosen to uplaods these two before i colored them, i regret abit i didn't upload them when they were in pencil, but now they are ink so thats too late, the scanner is awesome it can make them very detailed even if they are just pencil drawings (thanks for the scanner mommy) but then i can compare them from colored to uncolored or the other way around i guess, I'll tell you why i drew a rainbow unicorn next post

lørdag den 9. april 2011

Second Chance

This is the great hunter, strong agile and with the sharpest senses, drawn after myself, and yes i am that cool.
its not better colored than my prvious drawing and i've learned nothing new, but i did mostly make it for the fun of it. I dont think we should ever forget to have fun with our drawings, and at times just think, to hell with what you think i made this and im proud, tho i just simply think, this was fun to make and i don't mind critizism, so to hell with it, lets draw!

This was a great picture i think, i like the ligthing, even if some might think that that is just bad photographing, i think it cathes a nice morning feeling.

fredag den 8. april 2011

So while playing around making magic the gathering cards, because a friend told me to, i took a picture of myself, I kinda liked it, so it's my profile pic for everything now, even if the feets are strange. this is me asa  migthy mad wizard, summoning zombies, and doing other crazy things, but as i watched it i got onto the thing below.

This was alot of fun to make, its nice to have something to draw and color from, even if the end result isn't maginificient, I'm satisfied by the result, and i think it is colored more detailed than my last drawings, and the actaul process im currently in with my drawing is to become better at coloring, this is my level now i guess, long way still but that's the fun of it, what the fun of being perfect anyway? then i'd have no reason to continue.

tirsdag den 5. april 2011

King of Kings!


This is one of the heros of the leuge of legends, i believe he has somesort of tragic backstory where his parents die, but who the hell cares, when he has a sword larger than himself you don't want to focus on his past, you want to focus on the next step to get another kill!

I could probably go on and on about how it is to play him in the game, but id rather let the drawing speak for me. this drawing, is a drawing of him after he has slain your four team members, and you are facing him alone while he is at 1 hp. Not scared? you should be...

This drawing is a Hail to the king of kings Tryndamere and is Called "Dosen't matter if I've only got 6 seconds to live.. Its all i need"

Immortallity for one round! ofcause h would have about 12 hits each being critical hits for about 800 dmg or more.

Goblin Mage

My attempt to draw a Goblin Mage, my inspiration was magic the gathering, and its many goblin tribal decks, then between the idea of a goblins and the idea of magic i had to draw up what a goblins wizard would look like. I've made alot of drawings where he simply fails at magic, and somewhere he then became an actaul mage. this is what'd he looks like to me, always smiling with a large nose, with fast wits and a quick sharp mind, that is the goblin way of magic, i like the smaller one the best as i think that is the best describing drawing of how he thinks and acts, the other one is just fun because he goes "Stop" only to then throw a ligthning bolt at you.

3dmg instant in ya face!
 or if you like it better 10d6 point of ligthning dmg