mandag den 11. april 2011

Sad troll Happy Unicorn

 The Dreaming Troll: I'm in class don't really know what to draw, so i start just making out something, and a troll pops into my mind during the process, so i think sure lets make it a troll, the ear kinda got to me, drawing an ear from behind or the side id not just the normal small circle, and in the end he dosen't look as mean or badass as a normal troll, he looks sad, so that why i drew this troll reaching for the stars, Because even an ugly troll can dream, tho i think its a pretty troll, not that i swing that way... anyway the guy sitting across the table looks over and says "Why are your drawings so sad?" and i said "You want a Unicorn ona  rainbow?"

And here it is, i barely got to keep the scetch, after i showed it to him he stole it, luckily i got it back so i could color it and to be modest, this is awesome! i mean its like an overly advanced 4 year old girls drawing... niace... I'm a complex 4 year old girl.

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